Lips of Luxury continued its travels and set up at the Musée des Tissus et Musée des Art Décoratifs de Lyon, cradle of the chemical and cosmetic industry, in February 2011. The very famous carpet gallery served as a showcase. Anne Camille and Jean-Marie Martin-Hattemberg created a bespoke exhibition for the Lyon public who arrived in droves!
Lips of Luxury, an exhibition in partnership with Lyon Musée des Tissus and the Musée des Arts Décoratifs, the city of Lyon, the Lyon Chamber of Commerce and Industry de Lyn, Strand Cosmetics Europe, the European Center of Dermocosmetology, LVMH Recherche, BASF Beauty Care Solutions, Namasté, Dugas Imprimeur, Ulyse Pila Rexam, LUXEPACK-Monaco, Wauters, Beauteam, Alberto Guardiani.
Crédit photos : Editions Gourcuff Gradenigo, Anne Camilli & Cie